Tuition Assistance​
FACTS Contact Information
Online: Grants and Aid
Online: Payment Plan
Phone: 866-441-4637
Fax: 402-466-1136
Physical Address
PO Box 82527
Lincoln, NE 68501-2527
More than half of Mount St. Joseph Academy Students receive financial support. Student tuition assistance is made possible by the generous support of MSJ alumni, friends and local businesses.
Mount St. Joseph Academy is committed to providing educational opportunity to all students who qualify for admission. Students will not be turned away due to financial need.
How To Apply For MSJ Tuition Assistance
MSJ awards financial aid annually to families based on financial need. MSJ uses a third party, FACTS, to evaluate eligibility to administer financial aid objectively and with consistency.
FACTS considers many factors when evaluating financial need including income, family size, assets/ liabilities, and living expenses.
All families who would like to be considered for tuition assistance must complete an application through FACTS to be considered.
The application is available on our website and must be submitted with the $40 FACTS application fee by the March 31, 2024, deadline.
Applicants will be notified in April 2024 of the award decision. FACTS Management: Home
For Families applying for Tuition Assistance, students are required to submit an essay to the Admissions office describing their need for assistance, why MSJ is beneficial to them, and how as students, they would be an attribute to Mount St. Joseph Academy. Completed essays to the Admissions Office no later than May 1st, 2023.
Education Loan
Families may also consider an education loan through Your Tuition Solution. You must be a resident of the United States and have a social security number to apply. Your Tuition Solution’s convenient payment plans give you a wide range of options such as:
Financing from $2,000 to $50,000
Fixed rates as low as 3.99% APR
Payment terms from 24 to 84 months
No application fees or initial payment
To learn more about Your Tuition Solution’s flexible plans, compare payment options or apply online, visit www.yourtuitionsolution.com